Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Hodgepodge Vol 335

It's time for the first Hodgepodge of the year. Head on over to Joyce's blog to read other people's answers.

From this Side of the Pond

1. It's that time of year again...time for Lake Superior University to present a list of words (or phrases) they'd like to see banished (for over-use, mis-use, or genera uselessness) in 2018. You can read more about the decision making process and word meaning here, but this year's top vote getters are-
unpack, dish (as in dish out the latest rumor), pre-owned, onboarding/offboarding, nothingburger, let that sink in, let me ask you this, impactful, Cofefe, drill down, fake news, hot water heater (hot water doesn't need to be heated), and gig economy
Which of these words/phrases would you most like to see banished from everyday speech and why? Is there a word not on the list you'd like to add?
I'm going with pre-owned, I've thought it was stupid ever since people started using it. I've never thought the word used was bad.
2. What's something you need to get rid of in the new year?
Stuff. I have too much stuff in my house and I really need to purge and not buy more. I have two boxes full of things to go to Goodwill, I just need to get there.
3. Where do you feel stuck?
Life in general. I don't know what I want to do. I'm happy where I am, but I'm can't really live on the money I make forever. I either need to get a better job or a different one. I'm kinda bored where I am, too.
4. January is National Soup Month. When did you last have a bowl of soup? Was it made from scratch or from a can? Your favorite canned soup? Your favorite soup to make from scratch on a cold winter's day?
I couldn't tell you, but I bet it was either at a restaurant or a canned one. I really like clam chowder, chicken and dumplings and chicken noodle. My work is having our yearly soup celebration on the 10th, so I'm sure I'll have something good then.
5. Tell us one thing you're looking forward to in 2018.
Maybe more excitement. Like I said, I'm just kinda bored. I need to figure out what makes me excited (other than shopping) and do it. I'm thinking I need to read more, too. It's very calming to just ignore the world and escape to a book.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
I don't really do resolutions, but again, I think I should do something different. Here are my suggestions for myself:
Read more
Drink more water
Buy less stuff
Find something to do outside the house.

Also, my next day off is the 23rd. I feel I'll be ready for a little sanity by then.


Preppy Empty Nester said...

Your list of resolutions is a good one. I may have to borrow a couple for my list. Happy New Year.

Loris Glassworks said...

I said the same thing...get rid of "Stuff". I'm a member of Swap-bot, where do you swap?

Happy New Year,
Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

WW said...

Hi Lori,
I swap my artwork in different groups on facebook, but I don't swap my stuff I need to get rid of.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I don't know what people used pre-owned for. I only know it because people buy pre-owned cars. I didn't see why it needed to go! I've been lazy for far too long. I am determined to get rid of things this year. I don't do resolutions either but your list is perfect. I definitely need to buy less stuff and read more. I buy books for my Kindle app but seldom read. I do however drink a good amount of water each day.