Sunday, May 08, 2016

Sad Garage Sale Haul

After being so excited for the weekend, it was very disappointing. I woke up super early on Friday, got all my morning stuff done and went to a sale before work. I talked myself out of everything, except for a bunny I picked up for my mother. 
 After work, I had plans to go to a neighboring town's garage sale that benefitted their Humane Society, and I spent all my money on baked goods:
 Which isn't bad, it was about $3.00, I was most excited about that little tiny mouse in the first picture. He's from Cinderella, he was 5 cents, but they gave him to me for free.
Saturday, my friend and I were going to a different neighboring town's city-wide sale. I had to work at 11, so we were going to be done by 10. Sadly, I feel that there weren't as many as before. Last year, I bought a bunch of stuff, this year, I spent $1.50.
I bought a bottle of water, and two action figures for a friend. The thing I'm most excited about is the free bead doll in the next picture.
The goodies were free.

So, I spent a grand total of $5.50 this weekend. Very disappointing. Oh, well, it's just the start of garage sale season. I have the next three Fridays off, so maybe there will be some interesting ones to go to. And because I didn't spend much at garage sales, I'm going shopping today (ok that really doesn't make that much sense), I need some antacids and I like the Target ones, so I thought I'd check out their dollar spot and clearance. I also need another pencil bag to put all my pens in I bought last week, so I'm going to the Dollar Tree. I guess I should just give up on not spending money.

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