Friday, October 31, 2014

Friday Confessional

So, it's Friday, I thought I'd do a Friday Confessional

I confess....
It's payday, but after I paid all my bills, I'm rather bummed about the amount left in my checking account. I try to remember the days when I had less than $200 in the bank, so this really isn't much, but I still get depressed. Christmas is coming up and that means swaps and gifts.

I confess....
I look so forward to swaps every year, but I might have to not participate in a few. I commented on CG swaps about the 12 Days of Christmas swap, and I love picking things out for people, but I think I'm gonna have to forgo that one this year. I really do want to participate, maybe I can do that one and not sign up for more.

I confess....
It's Halloween, so I'm watching my favorite movie:
 It's not a great movie, but I saw it at a friend's house (or at least parts of it), when I was younger and have loved it ever since. My second favorite would be:
The Last House on the Left (2009) Poster This one is more violent, but not as bad as the original. I was reading the plot on Wikipedia about the original, and that one's really violent.
I confess...
I need to stop spending money on stuff I don't need. I've told myself this in the past, but after paying my bills (tomorrow), I'm gonna have less than I want in the bank. I've tried to stay above a certain point, but with the raising of my rent this year and having to pay for laundry, I'm gonna have to really get hard on myself.
I confess...
I really wanted to dress up this year, but I couldn't justify spending $30 on a costume, and I'm not that creative at putting things together so they look cute. I wanted to do a steampunk thing, but I'm not that good at sewing and that would have taken much more than the skill I possess. I did buy a jack-o-lantern t-shirt yesterday, that was more than I should have spent though.
I confess....
I was trying to downsize earlier in the year because I was going to be moving, so I was getting rid of stuff. I know I'll have to move in the near future, but I still want to buy stuff for myself.
I confess....
I spent about $50 on stuff yesterday, for me and Christmas, but it looks like that might be the last time I spend money on me.
I confess....
This is a very depressing post, but I was all excited that it was payday and then I spent all my money, so I feel the need to complain.
I confess...
It's November tomorrow and that brings basketball season and shifts at my other job, so I'll get a bit of money there, little bonuses.

I confess....
I really need to get some reading done. I was doing so well and then I got more movies from the library and got behind. The movies are always due back earlier than the books, so I feel I need to watch them. I really need to stop requesting all the new movies and just get the ones I know I want to watch. I also need some not so thick reading books. Most of the books I have checked out are close to 300 pages, sometimes I just don't want to read that thick of a book.
I confess.....
I'm tired and bored with my life.

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